Monday, February 8, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

1. You-I'm Sarah Tucker. I like to think I'm funny. I throw a nice spiral. Once I get over the initial anxiety of talking to someone, I am very approachable and easy to talk to. I'm a good listener and I think I give good advice. I take pride in knowing when I don't know something. I've been told I have an old soul, which is my biggest ally at some points, and my worst enemies at  others.

2. What are you offering to customers-I am offering a "fast food" restaurant that serve healthy entrees at similar prices.

3. Who are you offering it to-Basically anyone who eats fast food. Specifically mothers of children heavily involved with extracurricular activities that don't have much time to sit down for a healthy meal.

4. Why do they care-In this day and age, many people, especially parents, are obsessed with their health. The news is always covering the latest disease outbreak. There's always a new weight loss plan or supplement on the market. Parents want the best for their children, but understand that in life there have to be compromises. But if there was a way to eliminate the compromise, I think parents would take it.

5. What are your core competencies-There hasn't been a healthy fast food restaurant on the market. I grew up knowing I had to eat fast between school and band and swim practice. I also didn't grow up eating healthy food when I had the opportunity. I think that sets me apart from other people. I didn't know what healthy foods were growing up, so I have the same eating habits now. It is not uncommon for me to go to Taco Bell or McDonald's for a quick bite. I know the schedule and habits of busy families, so I know how to fit my product into their lives.

I truly believe that these elements mesh together fairly well. The only weakness would be with myself. I'm not good at asking people for things or help, so it would be difficult for me to pitch to investors. However, I have used my humor in the past and it has been successful. I'm pretty good at seeing the flaws in an idea, and I don't see a flaw in these aspects.


  1. Hi, I really like your idea. I personally eat a lot of all natural and organic options. Thus, having a fast food option that could serve similar and healthy options would be ideal. The community for healthier food is also rapidly growing. This idea would take off with the right business plan and investors. Good luck!

    Feel free to check out my blog:


  2. I really like the idea of quick and healthy food. But that can be very broad. Can you elaborate more on your idea? What kinds of theme do you want to center your restaurant around? With higher quality ingredients how can you be sure to keep prices low? I definitely agree though that many people here at UF wish their were healthier options. Check out my idea here:

  3. Hey Sarah!

    I really like how you opened up your into -- it really speaks about your character and sense of humor, good stuff. Your idea is great but quite honestly a VERY hard nut to crack. If you have this concept nailed down to how much you will be cutting costs / saving on cheaper goods vs more expensive higher quality healthy alternatives then you are golden! Good luck on the idea, I would for sure be a customer!

    Please read my post here:

    Thanks for the share,
