Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1. I am Sarah. My talents include athletic ability, and I like to think I'm funny. I use my humor to enhance my interpersonal skills. I want to work in the professional sports industry. I'd love to be in the back office of the New England Patriots. My business concept would definitely be something I started and walked away from. I don't want to work in the food service industry, or restaurant business. 
2. I am offering customers a healthy alternative to fast foods. Many people find themselves short for time and have to settle for unhealthy fast food. 
3. I want to offer this product to a range of customers. Primarily, I want to offer this product to busy mothers with active children and college students that look for quick bites between classes or studying. Both groups have very serious time constraints, and both will get hungry eventually. 
4. I think my customers and target demographic will be concerned with their health and what they put in their bodies. They will also be aware of the time they have available and the effect on them financially. In my experience, when college students have exams and they're studying for hours on end, they elect to eat something fast, cheap, and usually unhealthy. Same for parents with busy children.
5. I have healthy cheap food. Studies show that organic food and non organic food are essentially the same in health benefits, which is unfortunate because food labelled "organic" tends to cost twice as much in the grocery store. My plan would be to use normal food, not processed like fast food. We would also use better cooking techniques, such as actual grilling of food. 
I think all of my elements can work together. My biggest issue will be keeping costs down to provide price-comparable products to customers. 
There was only one real point in my comments that was to explain how I would keep costs down. I addressed that in the why do they care section. In previous assignments, I had also been advised to expand my demographic as well to include college students, so I did that.


  1. Great post Sarah!

    You have really gotten into the details of your business idea, but it upsets me that it is not something you are passionate about! Have you considered starting your own sports blog, perhaps specifically for the New England Patriots, so as to showcase your work to other sports professionals when applying for a job? Or some kind of newsletter? Youtube Channel? I recommend finding a business idea that is more geared towards your passions, even if it doesn't pay! It can look great on your resume or within your career portfolio!

    Keep up the awesome work!
    - Angela

  2. Sarah,

    A need for healthy food delivery is something that every college town needs and would be utilized at a high level. I do agree that it is important to keep the cost down, but that cannot come at the price of compromising quality. People ordering your products are going to want healthy and fresh food and that is sometimes costly. I think you could also get the faculty at the University involved because the teachers would love having nice meals delivered to their office. Overall, a very good job and if you get a chance check out my blog!

  3. Sarah,
    I like your idea, and I also like that you are rejecting the "organic" label because, as you said, there really is not enough benefit to justify the price for most. Regular, unprocessed food if prepared properly can be plenty healthy on its own. There is definatly a middle ground between McDonald's and Whole Foods and it is that area that I as a consumer prefer.

    You can check out my second idea napkin here:

  4. Hey Sarah,
    I like how you took your comments into consideration. It really made your product seem more legitimate. I really love this idea, I'm always dying to have a quick bite somewhere that's not fast food. It might not be as cheap as McDonalds or other fast food chains, but I think that healthy will be worth the extra few dollars. People will be drawn to it just for the health benefits. here's my blog

  5. Hey Sarah! I’m also not passionate about the food industry even though my company idea revolves around opening a small cafĂ©. I think that if you were to start this company that you would have to put in more time in the beginning but than I think you could delegated the work. I’m wondering how you would make your company unique and different from other food prep services because it seems like a lot of people in this class have a very similar idea to you. You can check out my blog post here:
