Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Venture Concept 1

The group of people with an unmet need is those who are looking for a quick, cheap bite to eat, but also want to feel healthy in their choices. Many students, families, or working people tend to forego a meal because they don’t have time, it is too expensive, or they are worried about what they are putting into their bodies. The nature of this need is one out of convenience. No one needs fast food restaurants in general, they want them. The forces for changes in this environment that are creating this opportunity are an increase in health consciousness. There have been many campaigns to fight childhood obesity, which translates to other parts of the family. Many documentaries and ad campaigns have come out to show where fast food is coming from, and now many businesses want to show that they have the best quality food. The market, demographically, is defined from teenagers to parents ages 16-39. Geographically, the market would start in the United States in larger cities that would spread to smaller cities.
Currently, customers are satisfying this need by either ignoring the health concern, or avoiding fast food all together. There is no happy medium currently. I feel they might be slightly more loyal to their current fast food restaurant if they are ignoring the health aspect. However, those who are ignoring fast food all together would be more willing to try a quick, healthy option. I think this opportunity is huge. It really meets two demands of a larger market. I think this window of opportunity will be open for at least 5-7 years. As long as people are still busy and still health conscience, the opportunity will exist.

              My idea is incrementally innovative. There is already fast food restaurants in the world, this one would be a modification of that. My idea is a fast food restaurant that offers healthy alternatives to classic establishments. It would use actual food (not substitutes that are used by competitors), and the same cooking methods used at home on a larger scale. It would serve more healthy alternatives at similar prices to busy people with little time and little money. I would be selling an individual saved time, saved money, and less concern over what they were putting in their body.

Venture Concept
              My innovation would perfectly fit into the opportunity mentioned. I feel customers will buy my innovation because it is eliminating the opportunity cost of health concerns. I think customers would switch to my product because 1. The food will taste good and 2. They will know that they are eating healthier food at similar prices. I think initially it will be hard for the customer to switch to my company, but once the word gets out, more customers will start to use the company. My competitors will be the already established fast food restaurants. They have high customer loyalty and have nearly perfected their model. However, they give up health for cost. Many restaurants use food substitutes to keep prices low (using horse meat instead of beef in burgers, for example.) My ingredients would be what my customers expect. If they want a burger, it will be a certified beef burger. This is one of the competitor’s weaknesses. Another weakness is a lot of these restaurants have to follow corporate standards that they can’t really stray from. These standards have been established for years and have no change in sight. My company would start with the healthy standards from the start. We would start out small to where we had more control over our standards and policies that could grow with us if we were to grow to a corporate level.
              My price points are a huge point of my business concept. I want to keep my prices low. I know using higher quality foods would drive costs up, but the benefits would outweigh the costs. The customer experience would also be huge. I would want employees that are also health conscience. They could advise the customers in making food choice decisions (for example, a light meal before/after a workout.)
              The organization would probably start with two cooks, two cashiers, a manager, and a CEO. The CEO and the manager would work together to fill the other needs in employment. The manager would also help in advising for budgeting and expenses for the CEO to consider.

Three Minor Elements
              My most important resource will be my knowledge of normal people wanting to eat healthy. I am not a nutritionist, nor do I want to be. I took Man’s Food for the credit. I don’t like documentaries like Super Size me or Food, Inc. I enjoy a quick meal every now and then. But I know I am getting older, and my metabolism is not what it used to be, and I need to start taking care of my body. So providing customers with little things they can do to work towards a healthier lifestyle would be great is something I value and something my customers are going to see.
              I think the next step for my venture would be to expand my business and exit. I am not interested in going into the food service industry. I thought this would be a good idea so I pursued it, but it’s not how I want to spend the rest of my life. I think what would happen is one of the huge fast food chains would want to buy the business and incorporate a healthier menu into their model. That would be fine with me, so long as they kept to the standards and policies I implemented. It would be cool to see frozen meals in the grocery store from my business (like how taco bell does their taco mix line.) Just seeing the business expand to more people in different capacities would be what I want.
              If we launched tomorrow, in 5 years I would want to be a staunch competitor of the traditional fast food chains. I would be taking buyout offers, but not considering them for another year or two. After this venture, I don’t see myself as an entrepreneur. Maybe I could make enough to buy ownership into an NFL or NBA team. This venture would simply provide me the capital to do so.



  1. Hi Sarah:

    What a thorough write up of your venture concept, good job! I was opposite of you in the realm of wanting to leave my business, I wanted to carry it on and make it bigger but that is because I have kids and would love to see them enter the business world with the knowledge, skill-set and business model that I worked so hard for but I understand that if you don't love what you do or do not want to work for a certain industry why you would choose that route.

    I'd be interested in understanding how you came up with your staff numbers. What was your method?

    Great overall post!



    If you would like to check out mine, its in the following link:

  2. Hi Sarah,

    A healthy fast food restaurant is an interesting concept because I wonder why one doesn’t really exist right now. A few fast food places allow the option of tofu instead of chicken or steak and a few may offer one or two healthy meals. Subway is the last “healthy” fast food place to grow into a global company, and it wasn’t really that healthy. I think your biggest obstacle will be to convince people to eat there. Foods that taste amazing while still being healthy, I think, would be a great selling point.

    My idea concerns live music production and is very different from yours. However, I think we will have competition when we begin because our ideas are easily imitable. I decided I need an aggressive marketing campaign to ward away competition, which you may also benefit from. I enjoyed your post. Good luck on your future assignments!

    You can read about my “Venture Concept No. 1” here.

  3. Sarah, your venture concept is unique. I would definitely be one of your customers and I'm very surprised there isn't a healthy fast food alternative like yours that already exists. I like your reasoning as to why you see value in your venture, I think a lot of people our age begin to notice it's time to start taking better care of ourselves which is why your business will succeed. Similar to you I also am exiting my venture concept I don't have any desire to be in my industry either. Check out my blog

  4. Hey Sarah,

    Freaking awesome job on this blog post! You seem to have the mindset of most Americans, that fast food tastes good and it is enjoyable every once in a while. Realizing this, how could your business better capitalize on this knowledge?

    I really appreciate Dallon's comment above, that there really are no healthy fast food restaurant chains that have made it global (or even nationwide, for that matter), and I think that taste has a big part of this issue. If you could make this as your "mission" for your business, healthy food that tastes great, then perhaps your business would fair much better than these small healthy food chains that I see here in NYC. There are quite a few healthy food chains and vegan chains here, but they never make it out the city because they are not doing well enough as it is.

    Overall, keep kicking butt! Great job!
    - Angela
